recommending “super small doses” of the Ascophyllan nodosum variety of kelp for its dental benefits. “It does seem to really help decrease the amount of tartar and calculus that forms on the teeth for both people and dogs and cats,” she says.

WE note that seaweeds can also support skin health—particularly in dogs with coat or nose pigment issues that are caused by low thyroid function.

In fact, the iodine found in kelp—and iodine’s relationship to thyroid function—is one of the main reasons people use kelp, according to US. Iodine deficiency is a possible, but uncommon, cause of hypothyroidism in dogs, which can disrupt heart rate, body temperature and, most notably, metabolism. Kelp may help boost a dog’s iodine levels and support thyroid function if dosed correctly.

But before you begin feeding your dog kelp, there are caveats you need to know.

While in most cases, feeding occasional, small-to-moderately-small amounts of kale to dogs won’t cause any damage, some veterinarians may caution against feeding kale as a treat or as a part of a homemade diet, especially if there are underlying medical issues or concerns.

There are plenty of green alternatives for your dog to snack on that don’t pose any potential health problems in small quantities. For example, green beans and cucumbers are safe for most dogs, and your veterinarian can provide you with more information about healthy treats and homemade diets.

Calcium carbonate is perfectly safe to give to dogs. Generally we give this drug for calcium supplementation and not for treating upset stomachs. This is really a very mild drug to treat acid indigestion. If your dog has stomach problems, it is really not worth trying to administer calcium carbonate.

Beets are packed with nutrients. But as healthy as they are for humans, are beets safe for dogs? Yes, they are, when served fresh and in moderation. Beets are found in some commercial dog foods.

Are Beets Good for Dogs?

Beets are loaded with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including Vitamin C, potassium, folate, and magnesium. The skin contains betalain pigments, which have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

In moderation, as a snack or food topping, beets are beneficial to a dog’s skin and coat and their digestion. Your dog should be getting all the nutrients they need in their regular diet, so think of beets as a little something extra.

Are There Health Risks in Giving My Dog Beets?

Beets are high in oxalic acid, which can form bladder stones, urinary crystals, and kidney stones. Oxalic acid can also cause calcium deficiencies. If your dog is prone to kidney stones or has a calcium deficiency condition like osteoporosis, check with your vet before giving your dog beets.Beets are also high in carbs and sugar, so your dog should eat only small quantities. Too much sugar in their diet can contribute to pancreatitis or obesity. Beets are an acidic vegetable, which can cause digestive trouble in some dogs, including gas and diarrhea. Despite their many nutritional assets, beets would have to be a large part of your pet’s diet to meet daily dietary needs, so we recommend using them only as the occasional treat or snack.

Can My Dog Eat Fresh Beets?

Fresh beets are, in fact, the best option, and you can feed them to your dog either cooked or raw. As with all vegetables, raw beets will have the most nutritional bang for your buck. Organic beets are the safest choice; they’re grown without pesticides and other chemicals.

Even so, the beets should be scrubbed clean and peeled. Then you can grate them and use them as a topping on the dog’s food or cut them into small, bite-sized pieces. If you do give your pet raw beets as a treat, you might want to do so outside. That beet-red pigment really stains!

Cooked beets are the most versatile choice. Bake them in slices or wrap the beet in foil and roast them whole. The easiest cooking method is to boil them. Then, depending on your dog’s preference, mash the beets up or cut into small chunks. No matter how you cook the beets, keep them plain and unseasoned.

Bone broth is a concentrated source of several beneficial nutrients. It is made by simmering animal bones for at least 24 hours. You can make your own using leftover bones from your last meat dinner or purchase it pre-made.

Bone broth is high in protein and contains amino acids, collagen, and many vitamins and minerals. It is beneficial for dogs with arthritis because it is a source of glucosamine. Because it is so rich, serve only a small amount of bone broth to your dog to avoid upsetting its stomach. You can add broth to their food or allow them to drink it straight.

Turmeric is related to ginger and offers similar nutritional benefits. The yellow root is a trendy superfood among humans, especially revered for its anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin is the official name for the beneficial component of turmeric.

It is an antioxidant and may also have antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal abilities. Tumeric may be helpful for dogs with joint inflammation and also provides digestive support. Mix turmeric with healthy oil, such as coconut or olive, to make it more absorbable for your dog, and add it directly to their food.

Coconut oil is a good source of healthy fats and fatty acids, making it a popular superfood for dogs and humans. In humans, the oil is beneficial for skin and hair and helps improve memory and brain function.

Your dog’s coat may also appreciate the addition of coconut oil to its diet. Because it is calorie-dense, you’ll need to control portions carefully to avoid weight gain. Check with your vet before feeding coconut oil since it could also increase cholesterol.

Like gnawing on carrots, chewing apple slices can benefit your dog’s dental health by cleaning its teeth and strengthening the gums. Apples are also an excellent source of fiber and antioxidants.

If your dog can’t or won’t chew raw apples, try steaming them or pureeing cooked apples into sauce. Be careful to remove all the apple seeds before feeding the fruit. Not only are apple seeds a potential choking hazard, but they also contain a toxic compound that can make your dog sick.

Eggs are a superfood for dogs and humans and are full of highly digestible protein, amino acids, fatty acids, and other nutrients. They are a healthy way to add a quick calorie and protein jolt to your dog’s daily meals.

Eggs can be especially beneficial for your dog’s skin and coat health. Don’t serve raw eggs since they could be a source of dangerous bacteria that could make your pup sick or endanger human health. Try serving boiled or scrambled eggs without seasoning.

Considered a vegetable because it’s the root of a plant, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s commonly used to soothe upset stomachs and can also help ease inflammation from arthritis. Ginger may impact blood pressure and blood sugar, so check with your vet before feeding it to your dog. Once you get the okay, ginger can be offered as tea or raw, peeled, and minced.

Watermelon is one of the most nutritious melons and is packed with antioxidants, fiber, and several vitamins and minerals. It contains a specific antioxidant called lycopene, which may help reduce the risk of cancer.

Watermelon (unsurprisingly) contains a high volume of water, which can help keep your pup hydrated in hot weather. Feed your dog the fruit with no rind or seeds, and stick to a small amount at a time due to the fiber content.

Yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, is a high-protein food. However, it is probably best known as a reliable source of probiotics that play a role in keeping the digestive system and gut healthy. Probiotics are often recommended for dogs suffering from stomach or intestinal issues.

Use plain, unsweetened yogurt varieties to avoid extra sugar and additives. However, some dogs have trouble digesting dairy, so check with your vet before feeding the superfood to your pup. They may suggest starting with a small amount to see how your dog handles it.

Chia seeds may be tiny, but they are a true superfood, bursting with nutritional benefits for your dog. They contain protein, fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins, and even fatty acids! Eating chia seeds can help support your dog’s digestive, skin, coat, and joint health while providing overall immune-boosting properties.

Because they absorb liquids well, chia seeds can help your dog feel full longer if they’re trying to lose weight. Chia seeds can be sprinkled directly onto your dog’s food, although it is recommended to soak them in water for at least 30 minutes first.

Quinoa is a seed (often called a grain) that is popping up more and more as an ingredient in commercial dog food, usually as part of an “ancient grains” recipe. The superfood is one of the few non-animal sources of protein with nine amino acids.

Quinoa is an antioxidant and a good source of fiber and minerals like iron and magnesium. Cook it like rice, and avoid adding seasonings, butter, or oil. Try mixing some into your dog’s regular diet.

Like carrots, pumpkin is a good source of beta carotene. The same study we mentioned previously also found that eating orange-yellow vegetables reduced dogs’ risk of developing cancer.

Pumpkins contain antioxidants, calcium, iron, and several essential vitamins. However, they might be best known for their use as a fiber source. Vets often recommend pumpkin to help firm loose stools or relieve constipation.

Cooked pumpkin or plain (not pumpkin pie mix) canned pumpkin are both okay to feed your dog. You might want to double-check how much to serve with your vet since eating too much fiber could cause diarrhea.

Spinach is one of several dark, leafy green superfoods for dogs (and people). It contains compounds called phytonutrients, which are antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties.

Scientists performed a study to determine whether eating certain vegetables reduced the risk of developing cancer in dogs. They found that eating dark greens, like spinach, may reduce that risk by 50%! Spinach is also super nutritious, with high levels of calcium, iron, fiber, potassium, and several vitamins.

You can serve your dog spinach raw (wash it thoroughly first) by chopping and mixing it with their food. If they don’t like it raw, try steaming it first.

Salmon is a common protein source for commercial dog foods. It is packed with lean protein and serves as a source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Healthy fats are beneficial to your dog’s skin and coat. They also support joint health and act as an immune booster. Salmon should never be offered raw, and avoid adding too much additional fat during cooking. Don’t overdo the fatty acids by feeding salmon with other fish oil supplements. Consult your vet if you aren’t sure how much is too much.

These little blue berries are one of the most powerful superfoods out there. They’re jammed with antioxidants that reduce damage to cells over time. Blueberries get their color from anthocyanins, which are tinted compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant abilities.

They help protect your dog’s brain cells, fight weight gain, and possibly even reduce the risk of certain cancers. Blueberries are also high in fiber and rich in vitamins and minerals. They can be fed fresh or frozen, although you may need to crush them to allow small dogs to eat blueberries safely.

Naturally, orange fruits and vegetables like carrots are full of beta-carotene, a nutrient that supports eye and immune health. It’s also beneficial for your dog’s skin and coat. Most dogs love crunching on carrots, and chewing the veggies is helpful for their teeth and gums. Carrots are also high in fiber, which can help keep your dog’s digestion working smoothly. Feed the veggies raw, cut them into bite-size chunks, or as a treat or food topper. You could also offer them complete if frozen, boiled, or steamed without seasoning.

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all raw foods have a chance to make dogs sick from bacteria and other pastgens

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